Either You Run The Day, Or The Day Runs You.

control, day, schedule, quote,

“Either you run the day, or the day runs you.” Jim Rohn

It’s happening more and more that when you ask people how their they is going they reply “Extremely busy”, “hectic”, “super stressed” or “running around around like crazy”. Its like their day is controlling them.

It should be the other way around!

In order to take control of your day read the following tips.

Schedule the time.

You have to find that time. its possible. The easiest way is to schedule appointments on your calendar.
If you can’t find the time during the day, start getting up earlier and start your day with healthy time that you spend on yourself.

Make a list.

Have all your tasks on a single to-do lists, or several action lists broken down by context and groups.

Plan your day.

Do this every day.
Schedule your regular tasks in blocks of time: email, calls, meetings, processing your inbox, planning time, writing, etc.
Try to have at least 15-30 minutes at the beginning of each day when you plan your day out in these blocks of time. This little time for planning each day is a simple way to gain control.
Another way is to leave 30 minutes at the end of each day to plan your next day.

Control your Communications.

Turn off your email notifications and only check it once an hour, or on some other regular schedule. Let calls go to voicemail. Don’t responde instantly to every cell phone call, every email, every page, every request at your desk.
Be clear and upfront with others about your availability and the times when you cannot be disturbed. People might not always be happy with it, but after awhile, they will begin to respect your time.

Check how your day went.

Set aside a little time at the end of the day to review what you’ve done, check off your to-do lists, update the lists with new items.
Finsih your day feeling satisfied.

Set routines.

There is a saying that is: Routine Sets You Free.
This is actually true.
Make all of the previous steps a habit, and your days will be must less stressful.

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