PODCAST: Christine Armstrong – Journalist and Best Selling Author

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You can read and listen to this interview and learn from Christine Armstrong through

  1. Innovator Diaries website
  2. Spotify – Episode 061
  3. iTunes – Episode 061

During times of unrest and uncertainty, many of us rely on books to keep us sane. With our free time spent mostly indoors, many are rediscovering their love for books during this quarantine. Another “new normal” that comes with spending time indoors is spending time with our kids 24/7. Now, we finally see the challenges stay-at-home parents face daily!

One woman who knows both about the challenge of parenting and the refuge of literature is Christine Armstrong. She is the author of ““The Mother of all Jobs. How to Have Children and a Career and Stay Sane(ish).” This is a great book for parents who share a common  modern-day struggle. I believe this book is terribly useful now as we navigate working at home with our kids.

Christine is a journalist by profession, and it is her thirst for answers that led to this book. The idea blossomed by interviewing hundreds of women to try and find out how they are balancing the responsibilities of their careers and motherhood.

In this interview, Christine shares her top advice for women to break through the glass ceiling. She also shares her best parenting secrets.

Listen to other very interesting podcast episodes

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  1. Innovator Diaries website
  2. Spotify
  3. iTunes

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