Unique Australian Animals (Part 2)

Quoll, Australia, Australian animal, unique animals,wild animals Australia

We just can’t get enough of Aussie’s cutest animals! While we can argue that the Tasmanian devil isn’t exactly adorable, the following creatures sure are! These animals are unique to The Oz and make the animal kingdom truly exciting. After all, more than 80% of mammals and reptiles in Australia cannot be found anywhere else on Earth.

So, here are the next batch of unique animals you can find in Australia:


Think of Australia’s wombat as a cross between a bear and a mouse. Strange but cute, right? These marsupials can grow up to 3 feet long. Slow as they may seem as they waddle about, they can run pretty fast. Unlike other marsupials, a wombat’s pouch faces backwards to prevent soil from entering the pouch when they burrow. Wombats are highly territorial creatures, and they use their square-shaped (yes, you read that right) poo to mark their territories. These cuddly creatures are rarely seen in the wild, though, a they are nocturnal animals.

wombat, Australia, Australian animal, unique animals,wild animals Australia

(Image Source: TheGuardian.com)

Tree Kangaroo

Another strange Autralian marsupial is the tree kangaroo. Known for their elusive character, many thing remain unknown regarding this animal. In fact, 12 species of the tree kangaroo look extremely different from each other. This makes understanding them a bit harder, right? Tree kangaroos also look like a kangaroo and bear combined. And they don’t even behave like kangaroos. They hop awkwardly and dwell among trees. These woolly creatures have gorgeous golden, black, brown and red coats.

Tree Kangaroo, Australia, Australian animal, unique animals,wild animals Australia

(Image Source: Kids.SanDiegoZoo.org)


As you may have already noticed, Aussie animals often look like strange cross-bred creatures. The quoll is no exception. It has the features of both a Tasmanian devil and a cat. Like the devil, it is also a carnivore, but way cuter. Their pouches are also like a wombat’s, facing toward the rear. There are four different species of quoll with varying sizes. These creatures are actually listed as endangered, but many conservation efforts have contributed to successful births in the wild.

Quoll, Australia, Australian animal, unique animals,wild animals Australia

(Image Source: ScienceMag.Org)


Which uniquely Australian creature is your favorite? Let us know in the comments!

Another article you may also like

Aren’t Australian animals just amazing? If you missed Part 1 of this cute list, you can check out other cool Australian animals in this Bedssi article.

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Jake Diaz is a man of simplicity and creativity. His toy company, Have A Nice Day, truly brings joys to many families. Listen and learn from his journey. Check out his Innovator Diaries interview here.

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