Achieve Success and Greatness With These Mental Shifts

Bedssi, find a room Down Under quickly and easily.

You just graduated from University or finished college. You are looking for a new job. You are even looking to open your own business.

You are young and you don’t have as much experience as you would like too. But you want to achieve success and be great at what you do.

If you want to grow in the business world you need to have a combination of the following things things.

  1. Grit and Hustle
  2. Reinvention and passion

Read the following mental shifts and take them into account. They will help you achieve the success you want.

  1. Age doesn’t matter.

People don’t really care about age if they see passion, positive energy and confidence.

You should be upfront and honest about your age. Don’t hide it. People appreciate this.

Turn your age and the fact that you are young and new in the industry to your advantage:

For example you could say:

I’m fairly new to the industry but that’s and advantage for you.
All I do is focus on my clients and take care of them. All I care about is delivering great results and great service to you.
I may not have the big numbers other businesses/people have but I will give you 100% of my focus and energy, and that’s what I will do day in and day out.
I would be delighted to have the opportunity to give you a very positive experience and outstanding results”.

You get the idea. Use your own words on the messaging you want to transmit.

Now you have to make sure you DELIVER on your promises!

  1. Believe in yourself.

If you have an idea, give it a go. GO FOR IT!

The reality is that if you don’t do it, someone else will.

Lots of people don’t start working because of excuses.
You need to stop creating excuses. In fact, ruthlessly eliminate excuses. Start NOW.
Nearly every person who has ever failed has had an excuse and blames others for their lack of success. Remember you have complete control of what happens in your life.

You need to take action.
You need to hustle, have grit and be focused.
Apply all of these. and you will start seeing signs of success.

  1. Stay Hungry.

Keep on educating and training yourself. Innovate and evolve.

You have lots of choices. You can

  • go back to university or college,
  • you can enroll in short courses,
  • you can simple buy books related to your trade and read at least 30mins to an hour every day.
  • simply go to YouTube and search you’re your topic. There are millions of videos available now.
  • go travelling. It is the perfect way to keep on educating yourself.
    You will gain great experiences, you will learn from new cultures (you will start noticing that difference cultures solve the same type of problems differently). And the bonus is that you will also have a break from your normal life and you will end up with memorable experiences. This will by default increase your productivity.

There are no excuses anymore!

  1. Work Smart

In order to be productive you also need breaks. Even if it’s to going to the kitchen to get a glass of water.
Having 5 minute breaks every hour will help you maintain (if not increase) the productivity and focus.

Plan your days properly so that you work the average 7-8 hours per day.
Its proven that its better you just stop working after 8-9 hours and continue the task the next day. It will take you less time to finish the job and you will achieve a much better quality.

Finally, avoid distractions when you’re working. Turn your phone off, log out of Facebook and twitter and just focus on the task at hand.

I talked about the Pomodoro method in a previous post. Check it out.

  1. Visualise.

You need to have clear goals. You need to visualise these goals and have clarity of where you are going to be in 1, 5 and 10 year’s time.

Break these goals into achievable monthly and subsequent weekly and daily objectives. In this way you won’t overwhelm yourself. These “mini goals” will be achieved easily and will get you closer to the big objective.

Write down your daily goals every night.
Write a “to do” list of what you have to do every night. In this way you will wake up the next morning knowing exactly what you need to accomplish that day. Check the list at the end of the day. Check if you did everything or missed any specific task. Include what ever was missed in the next day’s to-do list.

You need to be diligent and focused to accomplish these. You need to be Methodical with this. Plan your work and then work your plan.

This is when hustle and grit come into play! You will be pushing yourself to bring your idea/business to the next level.

  1. Be Humble.

There’s a quote that says:
My mother told me, ‘Always do your best,’ and my dad says, ‘It’s important to be humble’. That’s the key. They’re not there for you. You’re there for them.”

The trick is to be Confident. NOT arrogant.
Confidence is being positive, and optimistic. Is knowing your trade, knowing every single detail and being an expert at it.
Arrogance can be seen as an insecurity. Be very careful with this.

When you are humble and confident, people will see your Passion and your authenticity. You will be Likable. Walk confident even if you don’t feel it. People will feel it. Bear in mind you are there to help your clients. They are the most important person.

So remember. Be humble. Be Confident NOT arrogant

   7. Get a coach.

It is important that you get a coach not a mentor.

Coaching is task and performance oriented. Mentoring is more relationship and development driven.

A coach is key because this is a person that will hold you accountable. They will ask for results and this will force you and push you to get to the next level.

A coach will direct, instruct and train you, to achieve your goals. They will help you develop the specific skills you are looking for.

There are many coaches and methods of coaching. Try to get one as soon as you can. You cannot imagine how much you will start learning as soon as you start.


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