Tips to Get You Through College

college, advice, tips, university

Before heading off to university, there are a few things that you should know.
It is important to learn as much as you can before packing up and heading out because the more you know beforehand the more comfortable you will be when you finally move in.
Here are a few things that you should take into account before moving into college.

Dont Freak

It can be really scary moving into a new environment, but if you can keep a cool head when encountering situations you are not used to, you will be much better off for it.
Just surround yourself with good people and the rest will follow.

Dont Overdo It

It can be so easy to get caught up in all of the work that you have to do in college but don’t let it get you don’t. Sometimes you need to know when to step back and take a break.

Try New Things

This might be obvious, but opening yourself up to doing and trying new things in college is a really good thing and will make you feel great in the long run because you’ll have great memories.

Get Out!

The more memories you can make in college, the better. If you want to do something just go for it because you won’t be making any memories on your bed alone watching TV or playing computer games all day long.

Meet Your People

You will find a group of people who you absolutely love at university, but you have to actually go out and meet them. Don’t be afraid of talking to people and trying out different friend groups until you find the right one.

Be Safe With Alcohol

College doesn’t have to be all about drinking, but if you choose to make it a part of your experience know your limits and know what you can and cannot do when it comes to drinks.

Money Troubles

Avoid running out of money. Try to get a casual job as quickly as possible and try to budget your money as best you can. It sucks when all your friends go out partying, but unfortunately you will have to say NO sometimes.

Love Yourself

You are taking care of you now, so make sure that you are treating yourself right and doing the things you need to to stay happy and healthy.

Stuff Happens

Don’t freak out if some things don’t go your way. It happens. That’s life. Find solutions and move forward. Things will always get better.

Be You

The most important thing about college is finding out who you are and then being that all the time. Being yourself is what will make your experience special.

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