Australian Lifestyle

Australian lifestyle - life in Australia as a student

Australian Lifestyle.
What does it have to offer YOU?

You will notice that Australians are very friendly, helpful and good-humoured people. It’s easy to talk about any subject. However, for personal matters things will take a little bit longer for a real friendship to be formed. Have a read on how to understand more about the Australian Lifestyle.

Australia is pretty casual and laid-back. Even though some work places require a good standard of dressing or where presentation and image are important (eg. Lawyers, bankers), we tend to be casual. In many workplaces “smart casual” is the requirement.  For men, for example, this consists of a long sleeve shirt, with long pants of a good fabric (not jeans), and leather shoes (in most cases a tie is not necessary).

The majority of Australians live in coastal areas, given that the interior of the country (we call it “the Outback”,) is a desert and very dry.

This is why, going to the beach on weekends is very popular. Did you know we have over 10,000 beautiful beaches all over the country? In fact, we spend our Christmas at the beach.  In fact many of the room options in Australia can be close to a beach (especially in the Gold Coast).

“Social interaction is very important. This is why BBQ’s are always popular. It’s almost a national sport! Many of the purpose built room/building (PBSA) options include social activities on a weekly basis so that you can make friends easily”.

Australian cuisine is a fusion of a great flavours from around the world. It’s truly multicultural. You will be able to try foods from ALL over the world. This is why we recommend that when looking for a place to live in Australia, you are open to living with people from other nationalities. Taking advantage of what the flat/building has to offer is important as it is very likely you will cook for each other, go partying with them and make friends for life!

You will be able to experience everything from deserts to rainforests in one single state. Australia is a nation blessed with unreal natural wonders. The Great Barrier Reef, Uluru, The Blue Mountains, The Great Ocean Road and the Kimberleys are just a few among MANY.

You will notice that Australians love sports, we take it seriously and are very competitive about it.  Take advantage of the many sporting events that many of the PBSA organise. These type of options are available in most of the main cities.

Finally, The environment is extremely important to us. This includes natural resources like rivers, forests  – we call it “the bush”-  and oceans. BUT it includes our cities as well. This is also why many Aussie cities are among the best in the world. We love our country and we are very proud of having clean and beautiful cities that work.

So there you go, you now have a better understanding on how the Australian lifestyle works.   What are you waiting for? Start applying to a course and start researching on which of the many room options you would like to live in!

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